
Tuitus org-chart with organizational governance (the Board and members) and technical governance (Project Management and Committees). In Phase 1, Tuitus includes the five NHE software and Tapis. The members and contributors of these codebases will nominate and vote for the members of the Governing Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will meet monthly to define administrative and technical policies. The Board delegates the technical direction of each project to its Project Management Committee. The Board will also create four committees: Infrastructure, Legal, Security, and Outreach & Education committees responsible for developing overarching policies and guidelines and overseeing day-to-day operations. The Board will be accountable for defining operating guidelines that define the organization’s structure and constitution. The Board will be responsible for electing new members (projects). Tuitus will continually evaluate the functioning of the Board and adapt its structure and operating guidelines by attending NSF OSE training. The Board will explore potential industry collaborations and sponsorship agreements to sustain the long-term operational model for Tuitus.

Org chart

Governing Committees

Tuitus has three governing committees that will report monthly to the Board: Infrastructure (IC), Legal Affairs (LAC), and Security, responsible for developing guidelines, ensuring compliance, and offering guidance to Project Management Committees (PMCs). IC will define and maintain service-level agreements of the systems for version control, CI/CD, and community tools. LAC will receive guidance from different counsels on licensing approaches, privacy, and compliance requirements. LAC will be responsible for compliance and drafting agreements for industry projects and sponsor agreements. LAC will create Contributor License Agreements to transfer intellectual property to our projects for open-source distribution. With the help of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion experts, LAC will create contributing guidelines and a code of conduct for the Tuitus community. The Security Committee will ensure quality control, privacy, data, and user security.

Outreach, Education and Training Committee (OETC)

OETC will be responsible for organizing the overall outreach and hackathon events. Tuitus will participate as an umbrella host organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSOC). OETC will develop guidelines for mentors and contributors for GSOC and establish procedures for continuous evaluation and support mentees’ progress. OETC will support a sustainable and safe community of researchers, by offering trainings, webinars and workshops on best practices in open-source, version control, unit testing, and reproducible research.

Project Management Committee (PMC)

Tuitus will establish a PMC for individual projects from its contributors and will include an additional member from outside the project. PMCs will report to the Board of Directors quarterly on their progress, feature plans, and release schedules. PMCs will operate independently and are free to develop their project, plan features, and road map. PMCs will receive guidance and support in their daily operations from the Governing and OET committees. The infrastructure and security team will help PMC members to deploy CI/CD services for their projects. OETC will assist PMCs in offering training for existing contributors and onboarding new developers.